Make sure you meet any of these requirements:
*** Refer to Surat JPT GS 1000-630 Jld.2 (17) 21 Julai 2022 – Syarat Kompetensi Bahasa Inggeris Kepada Pelajar Antarabangsa for equivalent English language assessments and score.
**** i. For Public Universities: Refer to Surat JPT.S(BPKP)2000/400/04/01 Jld.5 (53), 20th November, 2019 – Pindaan syarat kelayakan minimum (Syarat am) Diploma TVET (DKM, DLKM, DVM) sebagai syarat kelayakan masuk ke program Ijazah Sarjana Muda di Universiti Awam (UA).
ii. For Private Higher Educational Institutions: Refer to Surat JPT/GS 1000-606 Jld. 2(23), 21st April, 2020 – Kemasukan Pelajar Lulusan Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM), Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) dan Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) ke Peringkat Sarjana Muda (Tahap 6 MQF) atau yang setara dengannya di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta.
iii. Exemption to the requirement for the interview OR portfolio review can be given according to the candidate’s academically certified related field of studies for the entry into Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree.
iv. For the candidate who had not passed the internal rigorous assessment; HEP can determine for the candidate to be re-assessed for the entry to the programme to pass preparatory courses determined by the HEP before entering the programme; subjected to HEP’s Senate / Academic Board’s approval.
v. Working experience can be cumulative industry engagement even before acquiring required qualification for a particular level of study, however it must be relevant to the level of study as well as the content.